marți, 14 decembrie 2010

Sphinx of Bucegi Mountains

Sphinx of Bucegi Mountains is a megalith at 2216 m altitude.

"Sphinx", as it is called because of its resemblance to a human head (ie the Egyptian Sphinx), formed by wind erosion (due to wind) over a long period of time. Resemblance to a Sphinx (if viewed from certain angles, marked around it), and relatively easy access to the area, have made this geological formation to become a major tourist attraction.

In Romania there are other mountains that are known megaliths sphinx: sphinx at TOPLET, the Sphinx Stanisoara Sphinx at Piatra Arsa, Bratocei Sphinx, Sphinx of Solomon's Stones, etc..
[edit] Origin of name

The oldest photograph of this megalith dates from around 1900 and has seen the Sphinx front, with explanatory title of Caraiman Babe.

The first name of the Sphinx dates from 1935 in an article in the Bulletin of the Alpine. A year later, in "Romania" Bada Professor Alexander (1901-1983), novelist, memoirist and essayist and one of the founders of National Tourist Office (1936), described for the first time this megalith and called "Sphynx Romanian

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